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Global pharmaceutical regulatory requirements are becoming more strict and are beginning to extend into the transportation of pharmaceutical goods. 相应的, airlines specializing in pharma transportation must offer logistics services that match those higher demands. 对温度敏感的全球十大赌钱软件app, active cold chain packaging solutions are the safest choice and provide a means for airlines to build a strong brand.





The demand for cold chain logistics services is growing steadily across the globe caused by the increase of biologics and other temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals. 根据EvaluatePharma World Preview的数据,到2024年,复合增长率将超过6%.2018-2024年复合年增长率4%). Logistics suppliers that want to maintain or gain a share of that growth within the pharmaceutical vertical must respond by ensuring available capacity as well as the expert logistics services that are required for safe transport.


New regulatory requirements require that the method of transport must be specified in new drug applications. 因此, both pharmaceutical companies and logistics providers should be prepared and have a transport and packaging solution that meets these requirements while offering them flexibility to safely ship temperature sensitive products in various conditions and multiple trade lanes. Having such a solution in place years before a new medicine is on the market will help the provider to gain the advantage and an active cold chain is the safest solution to meet these requirements.

Here are the top five benefits when you combine the active cold chain and pharmaceutical air freight:

1. 更高的运费和可预测的收入

因为航空公司提供的专业服务与活跃的冷链, 他们可以对药品空运收取额外费用. 这些较高的费率使药品空运对利润更有吸引力. 另外, the steps required to qualify a trade-lane segment by a pharmaceutical company are costly and time consuming. This means that the cost to change an airline is high and thus airlines can rely on predictable volumes and revenues from this vertical.

To build a strong brand in pharma air freight it is important that the airline can offer high-quality services and is capable of minimizing risk when handling high-value products.

2. 航空公司通过专业化服务建立品牌忠诚度

To build a strong brand in pharma air freight it is important that the airline can offer high-quality services and is capable of minimizing risk when handling high-value products. 通过在活跃的冷链中工作, 航空公司可以开发专门的服务,为顾客带来额外的好处. Proactive monitoring of the temperature inside the container during transport allows the airline to intervene before any indications that the product temperature could deviate from specifications. 然后可以使用装运报告来评估装运情况, 识别风险并提供持续改进的机会.

3. 在旺季处理容量限制的一种手段

主动冷链的另一个优点是有效利用可用容量, 哪些可以帮助解决旺季的运力限制. The insulation materials in passive cold chain packaging take up a large volume per kilogram shipped, whereas active temperature-controlled containers are more space efficient and allow for more volume of the actual products to be shipped in one container. More volume per container will thus lead to fewer positions being used on the aircraft and more available capacity for additional customers. For the pharmaceutical industry, year-end is critical to have sales included in their annual reports. Air capacity is a constant concern for pharmaceutical companies and using the active cold chain can help pharmaceutical companies solve recurrent capacity challenges.

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4. 更安全的运输

运输过程中不可预见的事件会对全球十大赌钱软件app质量产生负面影响. 根据国际航空运输协会(IATA), 20% of temperature-sensitive medicines are impacted due to temperature excursions during transportation.

Therefor airlines should provide high-quality services in order to build a strong brand in pharmaceutical air transportation. 活跃的冷链 is the service with the highest probability of safe delivery because the use of Active ULDs will help mitigate risks. Rechargeable batteries will withstand shipment delays while active heating and cooling ensues proper product temperature in the event of extreme ambient temperatures during 存储 or on the tarmac.

5. 具有成本效益的解决方案

Active temperature-controlled containers are leased which mean they are re-used over their life-span of 10-15 years, 从而大大减少包装浪费. They also require fewer man-hours during set-up and transportation which lowers costs otherwise incurred by handling, 存储, 和加载. 提供主动冷链服务的航空公司, 向医药物流市场提供比竞争对手更具成本效益的全球十大赌钱软件app. 除了, 与被动式包装相比,它们占用的空间要少得多, 从而为物流供应链节约成本.


活跃的冷链 for pharmaceutical transport means that pharmaceuticals are transported in active temperature-controlled containers. Active containers keep an exact temperature inside the container and can adjust for ambient temperatures. 主动容器有电冷却和加热系统或通过干冰冷却, 如果它们被充电或补充,它们会继续保持正确的内部温度.

被动冷链 这意味着药品是用类似于冷却箱的包装或容器运输的. 冷链包装盒不能适应环境条件的变化. 通常情况下,包装必须在运输前在冷却的仓库中进行预处理. 暴露于延误, 当使用被动包装时,不正确的处理或不适当的储存会增加冷链中的风险.



Pharmaceutical cold chain is a growing business area for many airlines but it is also under pressure due to changes in the pharmaceutical industry. Airline companies that want to maintain and expand their business with pharma need to be updated on what is happening in the industry in order to build a strong brand. 以下是值得关注的六大全球趋势.


制药冷链物流非常复杂,涉及许多利益相关者. We all work hard to ensure that pharmaceuticals maintain optimal quality all the way to the patients. At 可以赌足球的app we believe that the best way to reach our common goal is to improve collaboration and mutual understanding across the logistics chain, 我们称之为生态系统思维. 在这里,我们与我们的网络分享文章,我们认为可以使我们所有人受益.



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